In philosophy we’ve been discussing the subject of love. What is love? How do we feel love? How do you even love? Everyone around the world probably asks themselves these very same questions. When it comes to teenagers, many of us ask these questions and ponder the idea about love. In my opinion, which is very radical, no teenager can even speak of love.Those who talk about love and what it is have never even been in love. I am not putting everyone is the same pot here, but lets face it, the reality is that a great number of teenagers have never even felt true love or know what it is. They say that love is when you get butterflies or when you truly care about someone, all this coming from people who have never felt it or been in love. Teenagers use the word “love” without realizing the consequences that come along with it. “Love” is a big word and people should only use it when they mean it. It thrown around so many times between couples without purpose or true meaning, which quite frankly disturbs me because they are faking something to see if it will become real if you see what I’m saying here? There’s so much we can say about how teenagers misuse the word “Love” and how they don’t even know what it is and many may disagree with what I am saying but they are just in denial in my opinion. They are in denial about the fact that they truly don’t know what love is and they like to think that they do. I decided to talk about this for my reflective piece because I found it interesting to see how so many people push themselves to feel and to find out what love is. It astonishes me to see how so many of us are searching endlessly for something they can’t even visually see or physically feel. People ponder the subject of love and what is it, but the truth is that the best things in life come along when you aren't searching. People almost force themselves to find their other half, which in the end doesn't teach them anything about love. True love is found through heartbreaks and life’s hardships in my eyes. Learning to cope with heartbreaks and dealing with relationship issues will ultimately make you realize what true love is. Love isn’t about the petty cute things like holding hands and buying each other nice things and saying “I love you” every five minutes. Love is emotion, connection, things you can't explain or really understand. Love is being out through hell and back and still somehow being lead back to that one person. Love is complicated and no one can truly understand or explain it. Love is simply unpredictable. Love is hard and messy and sometimes random, but always seems to work. I may be fooling myself here because I am a teenager but the truth is that you're supposed “first love” was always mean to break your heart, you know why? Because it was meant to teach you that it was all fake and that you yourself didn't even know what you were feeling. I can blabber on about subject many may argue I don't even understand but then again, this is philosophy, I am questioning and this is Canada, I have the right to my opinion.
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